Betydelsen av personalens utbildningsnivå för omsorgskvalitet i hemtjänsten
Fråga och sammanfattning
Vilken sammanställd forskning finns om betydelsen av vård- och omsorgsutbildning hos icke-legitimerad hemtjänstpersonal för omsorgskvalitet?
Frågeställare: Analytiker vid Myndigheten för vård- och omsorgsanalys.
SBU:s upplysningstjänst har efter litteratursökning inte identifierat någon relevant systematisk översikt som utvärderat hur utbildningsnivån hos icke-legitimerad personal inom hemtjänsten i ordinärt boende påverkar omsorgskvaliteten.
Upplysningstjänsten kan inte utesluta att det kan finnas relevant forskning för andra vårdkontexter, som hemtjänst i särskilt boende eller utbildning hos andra personalgrupper.
Den svenska äldreomsorgen och vården står inför stora utmaningar med en snabbt ökande åldrande befolkning. Idag har ungefär 36 procent av befolkningen över 80 år insatser enligt Socialtjänstlagen inom hemtjänst, särskilt boende eller korttidsboende [1]. Hemtjänst innebär bistånd med service och personlig omvårdnad i hemmet eller särskilt boende, såsom äldreboende.
I Sverige består hemtjänstpersonalen till största del av icke-legitimerad personal, som undersköterskor och vårdbiträden. Dessa yrkesgrupper utför liknande arbete, det vill säga uppgifter kopplade till både omsorg och omvårdnad, personlig service samt hälso- och sjukvård, där det sistnämnda kan kräva delegering av sjuksköterska. För undersköterska, men inte för vårdbiträde, krävs en vård- och omsorgsutbildning, vilken ges på gymnasial nivå. Undersköterskans arbete utgörs också främst av omsorg- och omvårdnadsuppgifter, även om andelen sådana uppgifter skiljer sig åt mellan Sveriges kommuner [2].
En del av utmaningarna inom äldreomsorgen är kopplade till yrkeskompetens och kvalitet på vård och omsorg. Beslutet att undersköterska blir en skyddad yrkestitel från och med juli 2023 är en del i arbetet med att säkerställa kompetensen hos omvårdnadspersonalen. Det har även diskuterats bland företrädare för kommuner och regioner om arbetsuppgifterna hos omsorgspersonalen bör differentieras på ett tydligare sätt utifrån kompetens och om undersköterskans uppgifter bör renodlas [2].
Upplysningstjänsten har gjort sökningar (Bilaga 1) i databaserna Medline (Ovid), Scopus och Cinahl (EBSCO). Vi har även handsökt publikationer på webbsidor för regionala HTA-organisationer och myndigheter.
Upplysningstjänsten har tillsammans med frågeställaren formulerat frågan enligt följande PICO1:
- Population: Äldre personer (över 65 år) med hemtjänst i ordinärt boende.
- Intervention/Exposure: Insatser eller uppgifter utförda av hemtjänstpersonal med vård- och omsorgsutbildning motsvarande undersköterska. Sjuksköterska exkluderas.
- Control/Comparison: Insatser eller uppgifter utförda av hemtjänstpersonal utan vård- och omsorgsutbildning eller lägre utbildning än motsvarande undersköterska.
- Outcome: Omsorgskvalitet, såsom patientsäkerhet, bemötande, personcentrering, brukarupplevelse, behovsuppfyllelse, brukares hälsa och funktionsnivå.
1. PICO är en förkortning för patient/population/problem, intervention/index test/exponering, comparison/control (jämförelseintervention) och outcome (utfallsmått).
Litteratursökningen har begränsats till systematiska översikter.
För att vi skulle inkludera en artikel i svaret krävde vi att den var publicerad på engelska eller ett av de skandinaviska språken samt att den hade genomgått en peer review.
För att inkluderas som en systematisk översikt ska författarna ha presenterat en litteratursökning som matchar frågeställningen och är dokumenterad så att det går att bedöma hur väl sökningen täcker området och risken för att den missar relevant litteratur.
Resultat från sökningen
Upplysningstjänstens litteratursökning genererade totalt 2 499 artikelsammanfattningar (abstrakt) efter dubblettkontroll. Ett flödesschema för urvalsprocessen visas i Bilaga 2. En utredare på SBU gjorde en grovgallring av alla artikelsammanfattningar och bedömde att 233 översikter kunde vara relevanta för frågan. Två utredare läste detta urval av artikelsammanfattningar och bedömde att 30 översikter kunde vara relevanta för läsning i fulltext. Två utredare läste dessa artiklar i fulltext och de artiklar som inte var relevanta för frågan exkluderades. Exkluderade artiklar finns listade i Bilaga 3.
Upplysningstjänsten fann ingen systematisk översikt som var relevant för denna fråga och därför redovisas inga resultat eller slutsatser i Upplysningstjänstens svar.
Detta svar är sammanställt av Stina Cornell Kärnekull (utredare), Idha Kurtsdotter (utredare), Sara Fundell (projektadministratör), Irene Edebert (produktsamordnare), Anna Christensson (intern sakkunnig), samt Pernilla Östlund (avdelningschef) vid SBU.
- Socialstyrelsen. Vård och omsorg om äldre: Lägesrapport 2020. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 2020. Lägesrapport. [accessed Dec 19 2022]. Available from: https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sharepoint-dokument/artikelkatalog/ovrigt/2020-3-6603.pdf.
- SOU 2019:20. Stärkt kompetens i vård och omsorg: Betänkande av Utredningen Reglering av yrket undersköterska. Statens offentliga utredningar. Stockholm. [accessed Dec 19 2022]. Available from: https://www.regeringen.se/rattsliga-dokument/statens-offentliga-utredningar/2019/04/sou-201920/.
Bilaga 1 Sökdokumentation
Medline via OvidSP 9 September 2022
/ = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; .sh = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; exp= Term from MeSH including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; .ti,ab = Title or abstract; .tw = Title or abstract; .kf = Keywords; .kw = Keywords, exact; .bt = Book title. NLM Bookshelf; .pt = Publication type; .ja = Journal abbreviation; .af = All fields; adjn = Adjacent. Proximity operator retrieving adjacent words, adj3 retrieves records with search terms within two terms from each other; * or $ = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | Home Care Services/ or Home Health Nursing/ or Home Nursing/ or Homemaker Services/ or House Calls/ or Community Health Nursing/ or Home Health Aides/ or Home Care Agencies/ | 63,966 |
2. | (home care* or domiciliary or home health care or homecare or home-base* or home health nursing or home nursing or visiting nurse* or in-home care or home visit* or home support* or home help* or home service* or home social service* or home assistan* or assistance servic* or community care or community-based servic* or community support servic* or direct-care recipient* or direct-care worker* or domestic care or help servic* or "home and community-based servic*" or home health aid* or "home health and help servic*" or homemaker* or health aide servic* or household help* or housework assist* or in-home* or supportive servic* or personal assist* or personal care or personal care servic* or supportive care servic* or support worker* or visiting aide* or hospital at home or hospital based home care or hospital in the home or community health service*).tw,kw. | 88,520 |
3. | or/1-2 | 93,542 |
4. | exp aged/ or exp geriatrics/ or exp geriatric nursing/ or (centarian* or centenarian* or elder* or eldest or frail* or geriatri* or nonagenarian* or octagenarian* or octogenarian* or old age* or older adult* or older age* or older female* or older male* or older man or older men or older patient* or older people or older person* or older population or older subject* or older woman or older women or oldest old* or senior* or senium or septuagenarian* or supercentenarian* or very old* or 65 year*).ti,ab,kf. | 3,659,279 |
5. | 3 and 4 | 37,679 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
6. | ((Systematic Review/ or Meta-Analysis/ or Cochrane Database Syst Rev.ja. or ((systematic adj4 review) or "meta analy*" or metaanaly*).ti,bt,ab.) not (editorial/ or letter/ or case reports/)) | 395695 |
Combined sets: | ||
7. | 5 and 6 | 680 |
Final result | ||
8. | 7 | 680 |
Scopus via scopus.com 9 September 2022
TITLE-ABS-KEY = Title, abstract or keywords (including indexed keywords and author keywords); ALL = All fields; W/n = Within. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other; PRE/n = Precedes by. Proximity operator, the first term in the search must precede the second by n words; LIMIT-TO (X) = Includes only results of specified type, e.g., publication type or time range; DOCTYPE = Publication type; “re” = review; “le” = letter; “ed” = editorial; “ch” = book chapter; “cp” = conference proceedings; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "home care*" OR domiciliary OR "home health care" OR homecare OR home-base* OR "home health nursing" OR "home nursing" OR "visiting nurse*" OR "in-home care" OR "home visit*" OR "home support*" OR "home help*" OR "home service*" OR "home social service*" OR "home assistan*" OR "assistance servic*" OR "community care" OR "community-based servic*" OR "community support servic*" OR "direct-care recipient*" OR "direct-care worker*" OR "domestic care" OR "help servic*" OR "home and community-based servic*" OR "home health aid*" OR "home health and help servic*" OR homemaker* OR "health aide servic*" OR "household help*" OR "housework assist*" OR in-home* OR "supportive servic*" OR "personal assist*" OR "personal care" OR "personal care servic*" OR "supportive care servic*" OR "support worker*" OR "visiting aide*" OR "hospital at home" OR "hospital based home care" OR "hospital in the home" OR "community health service*" ) | 253,633 |
2. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( centarian* OR centenarian* OR elder* OR eldest OR frail* OR geriatri* OR nonagenarian* OR octagenarian* OR octogenarian* OR "old age*" OR "older adult*" OR "older age*" OR "older female*" OR "older male*" OR "older man" OR "older men" OR "older patient*" OR "older people" OR "older person*" OR "older population" OR "older subject*" OR "older woman" OR "older women" OR "oldest old*" OR senior* OR senium OR septuagenarian* OR supercentenarian* OR "very old*" OR aged OR geriatrics OR "geriatric nursing" OR “65 year*” ) | 6,696,754 |
3. | #1 AND #2 | 77,543 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
4. | TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( systematic W/2 review ) OR "meta analy*" OR metaanaly* ) AND (EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “le”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “ed”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “ch”) OR EXCLUDE (DOCTYPE, “cp”)) | 569,380 |
Combined sets: | ||
5. | #3 AND #4 | 1,495 |
Limits: | ||
6. | #5 AND ( EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "no" ) OR EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "sh" ) OR EXCLUDE ( DOCTYPE , "cr" ) ) | 1,470 |
7. | #6 AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) ) | 1,419 |
Final result | ||
8. | #7 | 1,419 |
CINAHL via EBSCO 09 September 2022
TI = Title; AB = Abstract;SU = Keyword, exact or part (including all other fields for indexed and author keywords);DE = Exact keyword;TX = All text; MR = Methodology; Nn = Near. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase | ||
Search terms | Items found | |
Population: | ||
1. | (MH "Home Health Agencies") OR (MH "Home Health Aides") OR (MH "Home Health Care") OR (MH "Home Nursing, Professional") OR (MH "Homemaker Services") OR (MH "Homebound Patients") OR (MH "Home Visits") OR (MH "Psy-chiatric Home Care") OR (MH "Home Occupational Therapy") OR (MH "Home Physical Therapy") OR (MH "Community Mental Health Nursing") OR (MH "Community Health Nursing") | 71,105 |
2. | TI ( "home care*" OR "domiciliary care" OR "home health care" OR homecare OR "home-base*" OR "home health nursing" OR "home nursing" OR "visiting nurse*" OR "in-home care" OR "home visit*" OR "home support*" OR "home help*" OR "home service*" OR "home social service*" OR "home assistan*" OR "assistance servic*" OR "community care" OR "community care worker*" OR "community-based servic*" OR "community support servic*" OR "direct-care recipient*" OR "direct-care worker*" OR "domestic care" OR "help servic*" OR "home and community-based servic*" OR "home health aid*" OR "home health and help servic*" OR homemaker* OR "health aide servic*" OR "household help*" OR "housework assist*" OR "in-home*" OR "supportive servic*" OR "personal assist*" OR "personal care" OR "personal care servic*" OR "supportive care servic*" OR "support worker*" OR "visiting aide*" ) OR AB ( "home care*" OR "domiciliary care" OR "home health care" OR homecare OR "home-base*" OR "home health nursing" OR "home nursing" OR "visiting nurse*" OR "in-home care" OR "home visit*" OR "home support*" OR "home help*" OR "home service*" OR "home social service*" OR "home assistan*" OR "assistance servic*" OR "community care" OR "community care worker*" OR "community-based servic*" OR "community support servic*" OR "direct-care recipient*" OR "direct-care worker*" OR "domestic care" OR "help servic*" OR "home and community-based servic*" OR "home health aid*" OR "home health and help servic*" OR homemaker* OR "health aide servic*" OR "household help*" OR "housework assist*" OR "in-home*" OR "supportive servic*" OR "personal assist*" OR "personal care" OR "personal care servic*" OR "supportive care servic*" OR "support worker*" OR "visiting aide*" ) OR SU ( "home care*" OR "domiciliary care" OR "home health care" OR homecare OR "home-base*" OR "home health nursing" OR "home nursing" OR "visiting nurse*" OR "in-home care" OR "home visit*" OR "home support*" OR "home help*" OR "home service*" OR "home social service*" OR "home assistan*" OR "assistance servic*" OR "community care" OR "community care worker*" OR "community-based servic*" OR "community support servic*" OR "direct-care recipient*" OR "direct-care worker*" OR "domestic care" OR "help servic*" OR "home and community-based servic*" OR "home health aid*" OR "home health and help servic*" OR homemaker* OR "health aide servic*" OR "household help*" OR "housework assist*" OR "in-home*" OR "supportive servic*" OR "personal assist*" OR "personal care" OR "personal care servic*" OR "supportive care servic*" OR "support worker*" OR "visiting aide*" ) | 286,758 |
3. | #1 OR #2 | 312,755 |
4. | TI ( "older people*" OR "older patient*" OR "older adult*" OR "older women" OR "older men" OR "older person*" OR elderly OR "oldest old" OR "frail older" OR "frail elder*" OR "frail seniors" OR nona-genarians OR frailty OR "elderly care recipient*" OR "frail patient*" OR "geriatric patient*" ) OR AB ( "older people*" OR "older patient*" OR "older adult*" OR "older women" OR "older men" OR "older person*" OR elderly OR "oldest old" OR "frail older" OR "frail elder*" OR "frail seniors" OR nona-genarians OR frailty OR "elderly care recipient*" OR "frail patient*" OR "geriatric patient*" ) OR SU ( "older people*" OR "older patient*" OR "older adult*" OR "older women" OR "older men" OR "older person*" OR elderly OR "oldest old" OR "frail older" OR "frail elder*" OR "frail seniors" OR nona-genarians OR frailty OR "elderly care recipient*" OR "frail patient*" OR "geriatric patient*" ) | 235,151 |
5. | #3 AND #4 | 33,516 |
Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis | ||
6. | ((SU"Systematic Review" OR SU "Meta Analysis") OR TI((systematic N2 review) OR "meta analy*" OR metaanaly*) OR AB((systematic N2 review) OR "meta analy*" OR metaanaly*)) | 221,144 |
Combined sets: | ||
7. | #5 AND #6 | 1,322 |
Final result | ||
8. | #7 | 1322 |
Bilaga 2 Flödesschema för urval av artiklar
Bilaga 3 Exkluderade artiklar
Excluded articles | Reason for exclusion |
Ahmed N, Bestall JC, Ahmedzai SH, Payne SA, Clark D, Noble B. Systematic review of the problems and issues of accessing specialist palliative care by patients, carers and health and social care professionals. Palliat Med. 2004;18(6):525-42. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1191/0269216304pm921oa. | Wrong intervention |
Al Ghassani A, Rababa M. Factors Associated with Home Care Outcomes among Community-Dwelling Older Adult Patients with Dementia. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2021;11(2):99-109. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1159/000516086. | Wrong intervention |
Allen J, Hutchinson AM, Brown R, Livingston PM. User Experience and Care Integration in Transitional Care for Older People From Hospital to Home: A Meta-Synthesis. Qual Health Res. 2017;27(1):24-36. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732316658267. | Wrong intervention |
Bauer M, Fetherstonhaugh D, Haesler E, Beattie E, Hill KD, Poulos CJ. The impact of nurse and care staff education on the functional ability and quality of life of people living with dementia in aged care: A systematic review. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;67:27-45. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.04.019. | Wrong population |
Blotenberg B, Hejna U, Büscher A, Seeling S. Präventive Hausbesuche – ein Konzept für die Zukunft? Pravent Gesundheitsforderung. 2020;15(3):226-35. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11553-019-00753-0. | Wrong language |
Clarkson P, Hughes J, Roe B, Giebel CM, Jolley D, Poland F, et al. Systematic review: Effective home support in dementia care, components and impacts - Stage 2, effectiveness of home support interventions. J Adv Nurs. 2018;74(3):507-27. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13460. | Wrong intervention |
Cleland J, Hutchinson C, Khadka J, Milte R, Ratcliffe J. What defines quality of care for older people in aged care? A comprehensive literature review. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2021;21(9):765-78. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.14231. | Wrong intervention |
Clemens S, Wodchis W, McGilton K, McGrail K, McMahon M. The relationship between quality and staffing in long-term care: A systematic review of the literature 2008-2020. Int J Nurs Stud. 2021;122:104036. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.104036. | Wrong population |
Coe NB, Konetzka RT, Berkowitz M, Blecker E, Van Houtven CH. The Effects of Home Care Provider Mix on the Care Recipient: An International, Systematic Review of Articles from 2000 to 2020. Annu Rev Public Health. 2021;42:483-503. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-090419-102354. | Wrong intervention |
Cooper C, Cenko B, Dow B, Rapaport P. A systematic review evaluating the impact of paid home carer training, supervision, and other interventions on the health and well-being of older home care clients. Int Psychogeriatr. 2017;29(4):595-604. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610216002386. | Wrong intervention |
Dahm KT, Landmark B, Reinar LM. The Importance of Personnel Competence to Achieve Social Participation and Activity Amongst Users of Municipal Home Care. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC); 2009 13-2009. Available from: https://www.fhi.no/globalassets/dokumenterfiler/rapporter/2009-og-eldre/rapport_2009_13_personellkompetanse_hjemmetjeneste_2.pdf. | Wrong intervention |
Fagerstrom L, Wikblad A, Nilsson J. An integrative research review of preventive home visits among older people--is an individual health resource perspective a vision or a reality? Scand J Caring Sci. 2009;23(3):558-68. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6712.2008.00637.x. | Wrong intervention |
Godfrey CM, Harrison MB, Lang A, Macdonald M, Leung T, Swab M. Homecare safety and medication management: a scoping review of the quantitative and qualitative evidence. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2013;11(2):357-71. Available from: https://doi.org/10.11124/01938924-201311020-00007. | Wrong intervention |
Godfrey CM, Harrison MB, Lang A, Macdonald M, Leung T, Swab M. Homecare safety and medication management with older adults: a scoping review of the quantitative and qualitative evidence. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2013;11(7):82-130. Available from: https://doi.org/10.11124/jbisrir-2013-959. | Wrong publication type |
Gray E, Currey J, Considine J. Hospital in the home nurses' assessment decision making: an integrative review of the literature. Contemp Nurse. 2018;54(6):603-16. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/10376178.2018.1532802. | Wrong publication type |
Gregory A, Mackintosh S, Kumar S, Grech C. Experiences of health care for older people who need support to live at home: A systematic review of the qualitative literature. Geriatr Nurs. 2017;38(4):315-24. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2016.12.001. | Wrong intervention |
Haltbakk J, Graue M, Harris J, Kirkevold M, Dunning T, Sigurdardottir AK. Integrative review: Patient safety among older people with diabetes in home care services. J Adv Nurs. 2019;75(11):2449-60. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13993. | Wrong publication type |
Johansson G, Eklund K, Gosman-Hedstrom G. Multidisciplinary team, working with elderly persons living in the community: a systematic literature review. Scand J Occup Ther. 2010;17(2):101-16. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/11038120902978096. | Wrong intervention |
Johnson S, Bacsu J. Understanding complex care for older adults within Canadian home care: a systematic literature review. Home Health Care Serv Q. 2018;37(3):232-46. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/01621424.2018.1456996. | Wrong intervention |
Johnson S, Bacsu J, Abeykoon H, McIntosh T, Jeffery B, Novik N. No Place Like Home: A Systematic Review of Home Care for Older Adults in Canada. Can J Aging. 2018;37(4):400-19. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0714980818000375. | Wrong intervention |
Laugaland K, Aase K, Barach P. Interventions to improve patient safety in transitional care--a review of the evidence. Work. 2012;41 Suppl 1:2915-24. Available from: https://doi.org/10.3233/WOR-2012-0544-2915. | Wrong intervention |
Leandro TA, Alves AM, Pinheiro AKB, Araujo TL, Quirino GDS, Oliveira DR. Nurses' competencies in health promotion for homebound older people. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(suppl 2):311-8. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2018-0446. | Wrong intervention |
Martinsen B, Mortensen AS, Norlyk A. Nordic homecare nursing from the perspective of homecare nurses-a meta-ethnography. Br J Community Nurs. 2018;23(12):597-604. Available from: https://doi.org/10.12968/bjcn.2018.23.12.597. | Wrong intervention |
Mulquiny L, Oakman J. Exploring the experience of reablement: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis of older people's and carers' views. Health Soc Care Community. 2022;30(5):e1471-e83. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13837. | Wrong intervention |
Ortiz IE. Review: geriatric health services after discharge do not improve mental state in elderly people. Evid Based Ment Health. 2002. | Wrong publication type |
Recio-Saucedo A, Dall'Ora C, Maruotti A, Ball J, Briggs J, Meredith P, et al. What impact does nursing care left undone have on patient outcomes? Review of the literature. J Clin Nurs. 2018;27(11-12):2248-59. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14058. | Wrong population |
Rodrigues RAP, Bueno AA, Casemiro FG, Cunha AND, Carvalho LPN, Almeida VC, et al. Assumptions of good practices in home care for the elderly: a systematic review. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(suppl 2):302-10. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2018-0445. | Wrong intervention |
Sanerma P, Miettinen S, Paavilainen E, Astedt-Kurki P. A client-centered approach in home care for older persons - an integrative review. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2020;38(4):369-80. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/02813432.2020.1841517. | Wrong publication type |
Veras M, Paquet N, Oliveira EN, Zakus D, Deonandan R, Pottie K. Unregulated health care workers in the care of aging populations: Similarities and differences between Brazil and Canada. Fam Med Community Health. 2016;4(1):3-14. Available from: https://doi.org/10.15212/fmch.2015.0113. | Wrong intervention |
Zimbroff RM, Ornstein KA, Sheehan OC. Home-based primary care: A systematic review of the literature, 2010-2020. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021;69(10):2963-72. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.17365. | Wrong intervention |