Work on COVID-19 at SBU

The following reports and Enquiry answers has been produced by SBU on Covid-19:

SBU Policy support

Post COVID-19 – effective treatment and rehabilitation

Long-term symptoms of the disease Covid-19

Prioritisation of scientific evidence gaps

Priority setting of future research into long-term symptoms of Covid-19 infection (post-acute sequelae of Covid-19 or Long Covid)

SBU Enquiry Service

Enquiry responses are always written in Swedish, but title and introduction is always translated to English and all tables are in English also in the Swedish version. We are planning to translate the response to question 1 above (the one on Clinical frailty scale) in full to English and it will be posted here once it is finalised.

* PICO is short for patient/population/problem,intervention/index test, comparison/control and outcome.