This publication was published more than 5 years ago. The state of knowledge may have changed.

Psychological and pharmacological treatments of adults with tics or Tourette syndrome

Tics are involuntary, repeated actions that are difficult to control. Examples of motor tics are eye blinking and movements with arms and legs. Examples of vocal tics are throat clearing and words. Tic disorders are a spectrum of conditions were Tourette syndrome belongs to the most severe. In many cases the symptoms diminish by adulthood.

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SBU Enquiry Service

Consists of structured literature searches to highlight studies that can address questions received by the SBU Enquiry Service from Swedish healthcare or social service providers. We assess the risk of bias in systematic reviews and when needed also quality and transferability of results in health economic studies. Relevant references are compiled by an SBU staff member, in consultation with an external expert when needed.



Which psychological and pharmacological treatments are effective in adults with tics or Tourette syndrome?

Identified literature

  1. Roessner V, Plessen KJ, Rothenberger A, Ludolph AG, Rizzo R, Skov L, et al. European clinical guidelines for Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders. Part II: pharmacological treatment. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2011;20:173-96.
  2. Pringsheim T, Doja A, Gorman D, McKinlay D, Day L, Billinghurst L, et al. Canadian guidelines for the evidence-based treatment of tic disorders: Pharmacotherapy. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 2012;57:133-143.
  3. Steeves T, McKinlay BD, Gorman D, Billinghurst L, Day L, Carroll A, et al. Canadian guidelines for the evidence-based treatment of tic disorders: Behavioural therapy, deep brain stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 2012;57:144-151.
  4. Verdellen C, van de Griendt J, Hartmann A, Murphy T. European clinical guidelines for Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders. Part III: Behavioural and psychosocial interventions. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2011;20:197-207.
  5. Yang C, Hao Z, Zhu C, Guo Q, Mu D, Zhang L. Interventions for tic disorders: An overview of systematic reviews and meta analyses. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2016;63:239-55.

Literature search

Project group

Anna Andreasson and Miriam Entesarian Matsson at SBU.

Page published