Youth crime matters: Knowledge based methods to prevent juvenile delinquency in the Nordic countries

Juvenile delinquency is a critical concern, and adopting evidence-based practices is both crucial and challenging. Addressing this issue requires a collective effort to work towards effective solutions based on best available knowledge. A conference was held in Stockholm on the 20th of march 2024 where ways to increase access to knowledge-based approaches for preventing juvenile delinquency within social care were presented and discussed


The presentations and recordings from the hybrid conference on the 20th of march on preventive approaches for juvenile delinquency within social care are now available online!

Presentations from the conference

Video recordings of the conference

The recordings of the conference have been cut into a morning session and afternoon session. For subtitles in english, click on the icon for subtitles in the media player.

The recordnings have been timestamped, allowing you to jump to a specific speaker by hovering above the video progress bar and choosing the part you want to watch. For a clearer overview of all the speakers, watch the recordings on our video channel, SBU Play.

Morning session of the conference

Afternoon session of the conference

About the conference

On the 20th of March, SBU held a conference, targeted at ministry-level officials from the Nordic countries and decision-makers at national level working with development, assessment and dissemination of knowledge-based interventions within social care. The conference featured presentations showcasing examples of knowledge-based preventive approaches from different perspectives and Nordic countries.

The event also included discussions on overcoming obstacles and exploring opportunities for evidence-based practices in the field and was based on a scoping review of Nordic reports of knowledge-based interventions for preventing juvenile delinquency, published by SBU in December 2023