This publication was published more than 5 years ago. The state of knowledge may have changed.

Need to assess dental care

Reading time approx. 2 minutes Published: Publication type:

SBU Evidence map

systematically evaluates the quality of systematic reviews in a particular field for the purpose of identifying reliable evidence and gaps in scientific knowledge. SBU Evidence Maps are generated with the help of experts in the field. Prior to publication, maps are examined by independent experts, as well as our quality and priority group and SBU’s Scientific Advisory Committees.

The purpose of this report is to provide a foundation for reviewing the scientific literature concerning the methods used in dentistry. The report describes different areas within dentistry in Sweden and presents the questionnaire survey of dentists that was conducted by SBU and the Swedish Dental Association in 1999. The survey inventoried the views within the profession as to which methods should be prioritized in an assessment effort and how the assessment findings can be optimally disseminated. Furthermore, one chapter presents an overview of the assessment work being done internationally in dentistry and lists references that have been published in both the printed and electronic scientific media.

The report does not represent a systematic, scientific review. Rather, it intends to identify the opportunities for assessing the scientific literature on methods in dentistry and describe several contexts in which assessments may play an important role. As brought forth in the report, the scientific evidence is deficient as regards most of the methods used in dentistry. This does not mean that the methods are necessarily ineffective, or that they should not be used. It is our hope that the upcoming reports on dental treatment methods, in addition to supporting the clinical work of dentistry staff, will also stimulate clinical research in priority areas.

The authors of this report are responsible for their respective sections. The report has not been reviewed by the SBU Scientific Advisory Committee or the SBU Board of Directors.



1. Need for assessment in dentistry

What is SBU?
INAHTA (International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment)
SBU and dentistry
How does SBU work?
Clinical decision making and evidence based dentistry
Quality assurance
New and emerging methods in dentistry
Staff and organization
Role of the patient
Health economics
Summary and conclusions

2. Assessing dentistry methods – an overview of the state of the art

The Cochrane Collaboration
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Scientific literature
Guidelines in the United States
Institutional organizations
Future development

3. Dentistry methods needing assessment – results of a survey

Questionnaire survey

4. Reports from other agencies and organizations – an overview

Reports from the Cochrane Collaboration
Oral Health Group
Systematic scientific literature review from NHS CRD
Reviews from DARE
Dentistry projects in INAHTA
Guidelines from AHRQ
Dentistry projects financed by AHRQ

5. Dentistry in Sweden

Historical development of dentistry in Sweden
Development of dental resources
Change in dental health in Sweden
Organization of dental services
Changes in dental insurance
Future changes in dentistry

6. Education of dental professionals in Sweden

Education of dentists until 1964
Dentist education today
Specialized education
Education of dental nurses, dental hygienists, and dental technicians

Published: Report no: 152

Project group

  • Helen Gelband
  • Tove Bylund-Grenklo
  • Hans Sundberg

Project managent and editing

  • Susanna Axelsson
  • Helena Dahlgren
  • Åsa Svensson
Page published